Friday, March 2, 2012

Photos, Gnocchi, and Paintings

I worked hard Monday through Wednesday so I could have today and tomorrow off! Yay! I finally got some time to go take some photos. It was amazing because I could actually wander around town, driving 10 miles an hour, looking for awesome shots. I've never liked having to find photo subjects from my car, but when it's 30 degrees and randomly snowing, it's the only way you can catch me away from my couch and blanket.

I took some shots with my Holga, that I haven't developed yet, but I took some also with my digital so here's one I really liked...

This tree was pretty crazy looking! I'm not a huge fan of how it looks here, but I took it mainly for the Holga so it will look pretty different.

While I was out taking pictures, I stopped at the Cedar CIty bowling alley to snap a pic of their retro BOWL sign on the side of the building. While I was there, the owner came out and asked me why I was taking photos of his place! I got kind of nervous, but just told him it was for a class. He was super nice about it (and even ended up giving me a couple coupons!) and explained that people had been trying to buy some of his land but he didn't want to sell it. As kind as he was, once our conversation ended I high tailed it out of there. I just don't like being seen as a trespasser haha!

For dinner tonight we tried making homemade gnocchi! and it worked! It was super delicious! I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out so I didn't get any pictures, but I'll be sure to snap some next time we make it.

At Art Insights tonight (a class where artists visit campus and talk about their work, it's pretty awesome), Michele Lauriat came to visit. She was an artist in residence at Zion's this last month, and the same at Grand Canyon in January, so she had a lot of new work to show off! Here's an example of a painting that I really like:

It's definitely a different kind of style, kind of an Impressionistic/Abstract/Landscape style, but I really enjoyed a lot of them! Some of them just look like squiggles on a page, which elicited no response on my end, but some of the others were really interesting. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear her very well during her presentation because she kept pushing the microphone away from her (why, I don't know), but from what I got from her pictures was that she loved doing landscapes and find swatches of color in the shapes that come out on the paper. It was pretty inspiring, so I came straight home and painted a little. Needless to say, my art won't be hanging in a gallery any time soon! But that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable!

Someday :)

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