Sunday, March 25, 2012

Woot for the Weekend!

This weekend was way chill. I spent a lot of time reading...

We get the National Geographic every month and this month's is all about the Titanic. It's pretty interesting and has a lot of awesome pictures. It's one of my favorite magazines, one I hope to write for someday! Then I've been scanning It's Just My Nature by Carol Tuttle, a personality profile book. It's really cool and I'm trying to decide if I'm a Type 2 or Type 1, I think a mixture of both. Then I started The Hunger Games again, since the movie just came out. I read it once a long time ago so I want to read it again before I see the movie. It's pretty good so far!

I loooove this cardigan! It's so comfy and perfect for lounging on a Sunday!
We spent the day hanging out with Keri and Paisley and Jared's parents at their house, watching movies and eating lots of yummy food! It was cloudy and cold looking outside, so lounging inside was such a wonderful thing! It's been such a great day! I'm really not wanting to go back to responsibility tomorrow :( But what can you do? It can't always be the weekend I guess!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Photo Hunting, The Grind, Being a Deer

Yesterday I had the day off, so I went out to take some photos for my class. I felt so artsy eating breakfast on the road and searching for photo ops. I like working with people more than inanimate objects but I have a hard time enlisting subjects to willingly have their photo taken :/

So off to Enoch I went! I drove around forever trying to find something interesting but it was all just houses and old farm equipment (which I am sick of photographing), after about a half hour of nothing, I headed to Parowan. Again, nothing, a bunch of houses. I'm nervous to photograph people's homes or things in their yards because I'd have to ask permission (or be shot at haha) and you never know who lives there, dunno why but it just creeps me right out, so I don't do it. I gave up on Parowan and decided to head back to Cedar. On my way down the freeway I saw my sign. Literally, it was a huge sign saying "SUNSHINE- CLOSED". An old, abandoned gas station called Sunshine was just chilling there, waiting for me to take pictures of it. There's an old shop on the premises too, so I shot it. This was my favorite from that series:  

I apologize for the editing, I don't have photoshop yet so I'm just using an online one. I do like this filter though.
 On the side of the gas station, there was a brick wall caved in like someone had run their car into it, then tagged the brick. It's pretty awesome looking and would be a fun background for outfit pictures:

You can kind of see the indention in this picture where the bricks look all wavy
After some successful shooting, my tummy reminded me to eat something so I headed to Cedar to find a nice, quiet cafe to munch at while I reviewed my pictures and made a game plan for new ideas. I hadn't been to The Grind in a long time (like, 4 years) and the last I was there it was just a coffee place. But I saw their sign said cafe so I thought, mm why not? I am so glad I went! It is perfectly built for lounging, munching DELISH bagel sandwiches, sipping smoothies and working on creative endeavors. If we had the money, I would eat there every day, just to get some quiet time in without having to be at home. Here's what I got: a turkey club with havarti cheese and some awesome sauce I don't remember the name of.

Plus, it came with probably the most delicious potato salad I've ever had. I am so excited I found a nice little hang out! Lunch was made even better when Jared got off work early and joined me! We perused the book store that's attached (Braun Books) then went our ways again. I had to develop the film I took today and I am happy to say that they turned out amazing! A couple are pretty blurry but I was kind of expecting it, so not much of a loss there. Once I get them scanned and cleaned up, I'll throw 'em up on the blog. The Holga pictures are interesting but I don't know if I'm sold on it, I like color too much and not spending $5 for 12 pictures I'm not sure will come out right haha.

Jared's sister, Keri and her daughter, Paisley came to visit, so we spent the evening in Kanarraville eating homemade chicken strips and french fries (Pais's favorites) and catching up. I was lucky enough to find a deer antler hat (like the BK crowns) and hid while Paisley hunted me with a cork/pop gun! It was so much fun! I was a pretty stupid deer and got shot about 20 times throughout the evening!

Needless to say, today has been an amazing day! If every day were like today, I would probably be the happiest person on the Earth. Seriously. I am making it a goal now to have more days like today and thoroughly enjoy my time!

Monday, March 19, 2012

3 Glorious Years!

Jared and I just celebrated our 3 year anniversary!! It's so crazy! I can't believe it's been 3 years! Luckily it's spring break this week so we got to have lots of time to ourselves! For the day, we went to the Las Vegas Temple (more and more gorgeous every time we go), then went shopping! It was alot of fun and we got some pretty cool things! I'll do some outfit posts later :) Let's just say I got a mint blouse and a yellow striped cardigan that I loooove!

We stayed at my parents that night then headed out to Whitney Pockets the next day. Whitney Pockets is outside of Mesquite towards Lake Mead. It's usually pretty crowded with groups of people on four-wheelers but luckily my Dad gave us directions to a secret camp that got us away from all the people! It was fantastic!

view from our tent- without the rain fly, it's practically all mesh! So nice!
Such a sweet little camping spot! It was shady most of the day so we could nap and not sweat :)
Climbing up above the water tank/dam thing, we wanted to make it to the top of the mountain but needed ropes :/
Up close of a barrel cactus. Love the colors!
I just love us :D
We found an awesome arch so of course we had to climb up to it!

I was sooo terrified standing on it but it was worth it!

At camp!
 It was such a lovely camping spot (thanks Dad for the directions to the 'secret' spot!) and the weather was amazing! We got to hike a lot, eat yummy dutch oven, and build a shade for our cooler with our jean blanket! Haha it was so great to get away from work and school and just be together for a few days.

Also, that place is right under a route for planes headed to Las Vegas so we laid there at night and watched all the lights go by. We tried to block them out and only look at the stars but we ended up just making up stories of aliens instead. It was so gorgeous though and made me want to move out to the middle of nowhere where I can see stars every day!

It was the best anniversary and such a good reminder that we have to take some time to just be together so that we can grow and have fun together. I'm so excited for more camping to come this summer!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Music!

I just saw a really cool music video and had to share it with everyone! It's called Needing/Getting by OK Go. Some things people do amaze me! It must have taken so long to put this together! Enjoy!

Also, I just discovered and it is awesome :) It's helping me find other bands that are similar to the ones I already like and I am really excited to expand my music library! Today has been a somewhat lazy Saturday. We were planning on going to the rock climbing wall this morning but the PE Building was closed! So that threw us off and we have just been hanging out haha! I did get my hair cut at Hello Gorgeous though! They did a great job and I'm definitely going back!

I'm currently watching Transformers 2 on TV, listening to Fun. on spotify and reading Aspire by Kevin Hall... I might hit a media overload here pretty quick but it makes things interesting!

Well I hope everyone is having a great weekend! And if your Spring Break is next week, like mine is, then travel safely and have crazy adventures!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday Tunes with the Tanner's

So, Jared and I have both developed obsessions with two different songs. We usually develop obsessions for bands but in the last couple days we each have listened to our new fave like 20 million times. So I thought I'd share with you!

My favorite is the song We Are Young by Fun. I LOVE the acoustic version, but the original is great too so here's both videos. :) Enjoy!

Such a fun song! Makes me happy! :) Except it is a littler disconcerting that as he's singing about being young and making the most of our time and the first video is all about people basically beating each other up in slow motion... interesting.

Jared's favorite song is Tokyo Moon by Windmill. The music video's really cute haha it's one of my new faves too!

We've just been spending our Saturday being together and eating some yummy chocolatey goodness from the Cedar Candy & Nut shop! We also went to Chronicle in the new discount theater. It was pretty sweet, made me not want super powers haha. Hope everyone's Saturday is amazing!

Half of a Chicken- Literally

So I'll get to my title in a minute, but I first I want to tell you about our new hobby. We went to  Joann's yesterday looking for buttons for Jared's survival bracelets, and I swiftly perused the scrapbooking section and only bought 4 things out of the $1 bin! Anyways, we're in the checkout line, chatting about all the cool, creative things in the store, when we looked at each other- "crocheting?" "definitely." So we got out of line and found all the stuff for beginner crocheters!!

Our new hobby materials!
 We're so excited! Jared is already a lot better than I am but it'll still be a fun hobby to learn together! Jared has those craftsman hands and mine are soooo clumsy! Mine are made more for wielding a pen than threading yarn through my fingers. But I'm determined to succeed! I'll probably make a beanie first but I really want to make a pair of gloves with the fold-back mitten part. It's always fun to learn something new!

We couldn't figure out what we wanted for dinner tonight, so we ended up going to Winger's! They had a deal going on- 2 entrees and endless salad for $18 so we decided to do that. We each ate like 3 bowls of salad, which tasted soooo good! Then our entrees came... Jared ordered their fish tacos (which were huge!) and I ordered.... half a chicken. That's right. The waiter was surprised too haha! I figured if I'm paying that much, I'm going to get as much food as possible to take home. And wow was I rewarded. Does anyone seriously eat this much in one sitting??

I should have gotten myself in the picture- the plate is about as long as my forearm. I don't know, it just seemed like a ton of food! It was good though! I think the thing I enjoyed most really was being to say that I ordered half a chicken for dinner. I didn't realize it was going to look like half a chicken though! I hate eating meat off the bone so it was a little unnerving, but I did eat some of it at the restaurant. I'll have to cringe through pulling it all off tomorrow so I can eat it while I'm not looking at an animal's bone. Just freaks me out :)

So, that was our eventful day haha nothing too crazy but I did love seeing my neighbors face when we came home and I told her I had half a chicken for dinner! It just sounds bizarre... like I'm a medieval king gnawing on a turkey leg or something. Well, hope you all had a wonderful evening! Hopefully tomorrow will hold all sorts of exciting adventures! Until then...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Recent Holga Photos

These are still in progress works, a bit of editing still needs to happen and maybe some rescanning of the film, but here are some of my favorite photos taken with my Holga camera so far!

An old gas tank in Kanarraville, UT
Stairs to a slide in Kanarraville, UT
Old fashioned garage in Kanarraville, UT
Old run down barn in Kanarraville, UT
Slide steps at a park in Kanarraville, UT
It's been an interesting experience shooting with film, especially when it comes out sort of different than a normal picture would. It's taking quite a bit of effort on my end to look for shapes instead of colors haha I'm always taking pictures of things with intense colors, so black and white is a whole new way of viewing things. It's great though, I feel like I'm actually learning something and not just taking the same old kind of pictures I usually do.

Hopefully the ones I shot today will turn out good! I'm excited to see the results!

Photos, Gnocchi, and Paintings

I worked hard Monday through Wednesday so I could have today and tomorrow off! Yay! I finally got some time to go take some photos. It was amazing because I could actually wander around town, driving 10 miles an hour, looking for awesome shots. I've never liked having to find photo subjects from my car, but when it's 30 degrees and randomly snowing, it's the only way you can catch me away from my couch and blanket.

I took some shots with my Holga, that I haven't developed yet, but I took some also with my digital so here's one I really liked...

This tree was pretty crazy looking! I'm not a huge fan of how it looks here, but I took it mainly for the Holga so it will look pretty different.

While I was out taking pictures, I stopped at the Cedar CIty bowling alley to snap a pic of their retro BOWL sign on the side of the building. While I was there, the owner came out and asked me why I was taking photos of his place! I got kind of nervous, but just told him it was for a class. He was super nice about it (and even ended up giving me a couple coupons!) and explained that people had been trying to buy some of his land but he didn't want to sell it. As kind as he was, once our conversation ended I high tailed it out of there. I just don't like being seen as a trespasser haha!

For dinner tonight we tried making homemade gnocchi! and it worked! It was super delicious! I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out so I didn't get any pictures, but I'll be sure to snap some next time we make it.

At Art Insights tonight (a class where artists visit campus and talk about their work, it's pretty awesome), Michele Lauriat came to visit. She was an artist in residence at Zion's this last month, and the same at Grand Canyon in January, so she had a lot of new work to show off! Here's an example of a painting that I really like:

It's definitely a different kind of style, kind of an Impressionistic/Abstract/Landscape style, but I really enjoyed a lot of them! Some of them just look like squiggles on a page, which elicited no response on my end, but some of the others were really interesting. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear her very well during her presentation because she kept pushing the microphone away from her (why, I don't know), but from what I got from her pictures was that she loved doing landscapes and find swatches of color in the shapes that come out on the paper. It was pretty inspiring, so I came straight home and painted a little. Needless to say, my art won't be hanging in a gallery any time soon! But that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable!

Someday :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Backpacking anyone?

With the weather hopefully warming up soon, mine and Jared's thoughts have turned to... backpacking! and camping! Haha my last backpacking adventure was... less than successful. But I really didn't realize how terribly out of shape I was at the time. Jared has been gung ho to go backpacking so I need to get my butt in gear and start getting ready! It should be easier than the last try because I've lost 20 pounds! I honestly don't know where it was hiding on my body (jk, really it was practically all in my butt- I don't think I've ever had muscle in my butt and just never realized I should! haha) but wow I feel a whole lot better than I did 6 months ago!

Unfortunately, I don't really have a picture of myself 6 months ago that I can compare to today. I really wasn't trying to lose weight, so it was a pleasant surprise! Before you get all mad and jealous and say, why can't I do that? read the next sentence. Jared has been way hard core on getting in shape and has lost over 50 pounds! He's so amazing! He is my inspiration! He started pushing himself to eating better and exercising and so I ate what he ate (for the most part) and exercised when he did (not quite as much, but still way better than I was before!). I learned that I really enjoy being healthy! And once you really make the change, it's hard to go back. Sure, we eat sweets still and indulge in fast food (which now tastes pretty gross and only eaten when we're in a huge hurry), but when we're eating like we should and exercising, we can afford to have some sugary goodness!

So now we want to go backpacking, and I'm trying to find good places for beginner backpackers. Let's face it, Jared might be hard core and ready to tackle difficult hikes, but I want my next backpacking experience to be a positive experience and I don't think pushing myself super hard would make me want to keep trying to love the sport.

Anyway, if anyone knows of cool backpacking hikes in the southern Nevada/ Utah/ Arizona area, let me know! We want to do something that's not a super hard hike and a place you can camp for a couple days and do day hikes or something, or just hang out and write and take pictures :) Wish me luck in my search!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Travel Bug

I have caught the travel bug. Badly. It has always been looming, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, and this week it finally gave in. I am itching to go. Every minute that I sit still, doing the same things I do every day, is a rebellion against my soul that is wandering around my memories of Europe. I'm longing for a trip away from the U.S. but I know this won't be possible for awhile, so I am content with anywhere new. At this point, I could even stay in Cedar as long as I got to see and learn something new.

This is what has inspired my slight change in blog. The title, the quote, and the background. I am wanting so badly to travel but I read a quote that says, "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." -Henry Miller. I really like this idea, mostly because I haven't the funds to travel very far, and it consoles my soul because it knows that really all my mind is looking for is something to rattle me. I need something to challenge my way of thinking, to change my perspective, to teach me something new.

For this reason, I have decided to use whatever energy I can muster throughout the day to find something new and interesting. Whether it be an article in the newspaper, something a stranger says in passing, or an intriguing space on campus that deserves further exploration, I need to record it and prove to my mind that I am experiencing newness- just not overwhelming doses like I would like.

I have also decided to include some poetry in this post. I haven't used poetry in my blog yet, which is odd because it is what I write most, so I'll try it out on my few but wonderful readers :) Keep in mind, I wrote these poems a year ago and they are about my trip to Europe in 2007 with my family (I just realized that that was almost 5 years ago... insane) It was probably the BEST experience of my life and wish that I have been able to do more traveling since then. Well, without further ado, a few poems... 

Lake Mead, Nevada, U.S.

Pebble in hand, poised, ready for the throw,
my arm launches the stone,
ripples erupt on the calm face of the lake.

Staring out at the sky in the water,
I think of all the places I’ve never been.
Thoughts of Italy, France and Switzerland
flow through my mind in images,
other people’s images- other people’s memories,
really only colors and shapes to me.

Nonetheless, the restless spirit handed down to me
from generations of habitual travelers,
finds me there by the water in a spiraled form
so familiar and yet so surprising.

This shell is coarse, silently beautiful
waiting to be discovered and carried away.
I feel this shell is an unseen part of me.
I, too, am waiting for a loving soul to take me in,
to find fulfillment in my monotonous life.

Neither of us wants to wear away, joining forever
the countless grains of sand,
to never bring beauty to the world again.

This is the final moment.
The moment I decide the world is bigger
than this one tiny beach
and I am going to see it all.

Grindelwald, Svizzera

All around, the green grass waves gently to us,
it beckons us onward to stunning destinations.
The narrow, worn dirt path is rutted from wagon wheels,
tufts of dirt fly as our hiking boots tread on the ancient road.

The hills are alive with the sound of music,
we sing at the top of our lungs.
The locals look at us with rolling eyes and smiles.

In the middle of a field, or someone’s yard,
I find a dandelion as big as my fist.
I don’t want to destroy such a beauty
but I assume the more seeds, the more wishes come true.

My eyes close slowly, shutting out the world.
I am the tidal wave of grass, coming to shore.
I am the shady brook, flowing towards my home.
I am the dandelion, fragile but craving the wind.

My wish rises in my heart, travels through my body
and into my mind,
it sits like a flower waiting to take wing.

A deep breath, a whoosh of air, and opening eyes
reveals a myriad of soaring seeded parachutes.
At the same moment, my winged flower is freed
and my wish shoots into the air,
hoping to land and take root in another’s heart.

Casalgallo, Italia

The sun’s spry fingers curl around
the window ledge reaching to find
my sleeping eyes on a feather pillow.

I savor the caresses of sunlight on my cheek
and breathe in the intoxicating aroma
of tilled earth and cut grass.

A Tuscan breeze whispers through the gap,
  Buon giorno principessa,
as the sun winks at me over the horizon
feeding the hungry grape vines
and lighting up this ethereal world.

The vineyard beckons to me.
Surrendering, my feet guide me
out the door, into the sun. 

Toulouse, France

It was there, in a field of sunflowers,
that I found her.

The search had gone on for years
I’d explored mountains, oceans, thriving cities
and dead ones.

Through the chaparral of my home
to the immense forests of the East.
From the glacial lakes of the North
to the sand blown shanties of the South.

Searching, unfruitful, for myself
so that I could continue my journey
with her as a witness and a guide.

It wasn’t until I flew with tired wings
across the churning ocean,
that my eyes were opened to a new world.

On the road between Toulouse and Imperia
a field of sunshine appeared before me,
enveloping my vision, my senses, my mind.

Walking under the majestic beings
I felt myself being taken away
to find what I’d been searching for.

I looked at the sky from the sunflower’s view,
my toes buried under the soft, dark earth,
the air, clean and fresh, circulating through my body.

I became the sunflower,
looking toward the sun, never blinking,
welcoming in the warmth.

Upon returning, I smiled, looking through new eyes,
realizing, at last, I was no longer alone,
knowing the sunflowers had brought me home.

It was there, in a field of sunflowers,
that I found her.

              Thanks! Have a great day!! :D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yes, I Took a 2 Month Blog Break... I Apologize.

So, alot has happened in the last two months! Nothing intensely extraordinary, just life, but it seems like it's been a lot so I'll try to catch you up on it! Since my last post Jared and I have survived Fall Finals, eaten massive amounts of food over Christmas (and didn't gain anything, whaa??), and started our last semester of college! So exciting!

We also have joined in this new fad called healthy life habits? It's pretty amazing and we definitely recommend it! We've been doing pretty good off and on throughout the years but this time we're re-building our lives from the ground up all over again and it's working out well! Jared has lost and kept off 15 pounds since Thanksgiving and has lost 51 pounds in the last year which is amazing and I'm so proud! And I have lost and kept off about 10 pounds since August 2011 which isn't near as awesome as Jared but I feel lots better! We've been doing P90X, eating healthy and becoming more active and it is changing everything!

Other than that, I went to visit my sister and brother-in-law to bless their new baby Autumn! She is soooo cute and such a little cuddler! It was a fun weekend and we had a blast being able to hang out with everyone!

This semester I am taking Intermediate Photography and an Art History class that covers the Renaissance to Today. They're both fun and very interesting. For my photo class, we got Holga cameras and are going to be shooting black and white all semester! If you don't know what Holga photos look like, I highly recommend Googling it and probably just going ahead and buying one :) They're pretty cheap and come in different varieties of what the pictures will look like. We're developing our first photos on Tuesday and learning how to scan them onto the computer so I'll hopefully have some images soon!

Oh, Christmas! Duh! Christmas was so much fun! We went to my family's this year and then went to Jared's later in the week. Dustin and Emily were able to come too so we had Mom and Dad, Dustin & Emily, Jared & I, Alexa, and Ethan. And Grandma! It was so much fun! We went shooting and saw Sherlock Holmes II, and played games and ate yummy food and opened presents and saw family and went on hikes. It was a blast! Here's some photos from Christmas:

On Mom's birthday hike... somewhere by the Lake? It was really pretty!

This rock formation reminded me of The Never-Ending Story!

Found an arch in this random canyon! Pretty awesome!

Jared and I with all the red rocks. Oh and Ethan being triumphant in the background :)
On top of White Dome in Valley of Fire. ECHO Echo echo.....

Jared getting ready to go tubing! So much fun!

Jared and I tubing and sitting on a snowboard haha

Aw Mom and Dad :)

Everybody at Brianhead- Dustin & Ethan snowboarded and the rest of us went tubing and I took Alexa's portrait. Pretty fun!

Shooting guns. I'm not very good yet haha

Dustin teaching Grandma to shoot a pistol. She is amazing.


Jared got me a fisheye lens for Christmas! What a sweetie!

The Fam at the Christmas tree

Jared and I on White Dome

Alexa and I on White Dome

My handsome hubby at Lake Mead
Wow that was alot of pictures! And not even close to how many I got over the break! That's ok though :) It was a blast!

Last weekend we went to visit Jared's sister and her family in Alamo. It was really fun to see them! We weren't able to see them at Christmas so it was great to finally get to spend some time with them! Here's some pictures from that weekend:

Jared pushing Paisley in the rope swing at the Perkins'

Paisley kept riding down this little hill over and over, it was so much fun to watch her!

Spur got Barbie stuck in his collar. She was rodeoing!

Paisley cuddling the Perkins' cat. Adorable.
And that brings us to date! It snowed today and tomorrow is going to be suuuuper cold but that's ok! Oh I did a little thrift shopping today and found some super cute clothes! Here's one of the outfits, more to come! Have a great week!