Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Break Weekend!

It has been SOO nice having some days off from life's responsibility! We have actually had time to eat together and get the house a little cleaner :) Sunday morning breakfast was so much fun to make and soo yummy!

Yummy French Toast, bacon, with yogurt and frozen berries (haha they were still a  little frozen) and apple cranberry juice!
I loved time to make breakfast together and actually eat together without having to run out the door as quick as the last bite is in our mouths. Sunday passed nicely and we got a day to relax and not feel pressure to go out and do something fun because we have a day off. You know how that is, no matter how much I want to just sleep in and spend all day in bed, I can't because I don't feel like it's a good use of my time. But it is suuuch a refresher to just do it every once in a while. 

We stayed Sunday night at Jared's parents house. His dad is recovering well but getting really sick of laying in bed all day. It's always fun going to visit, we end up watching some of the strangest things on TV! The best thing we watched was the Batman TV show from the '70s! We were all practically rolling on the floor with laughter! It was an episode where The Joker stole some guys awesome surfing abilities so he could beat Batman in a surfing competition. What the?? Haha it was the most random and ridiculous thing I've ever seen! I want to own the episodes though, they were just too funny!
 Batman was super feminine and Robin looks like a 12 year old.

Ha, that image of the Joker surfing in front of a green screen is just the best thing ever!

Monday morning we went down to St. George to some fun shopping! I've been wanting to go thrifting for clothes and shoes :) A few of my favorite places to shop in St. George- Urban Renewal (We perused for over an hour and I only ended up getting 2 things but I looove them!), Ross (Always have loved Ross and we found our new bed spread there! Yay!) and Coyote Exchange! I went there for the first time Monday and LOVED it! I've been to Plato's Closet up north and in Vegas and I had heard of Buffalo Exchange in Vegas so when I saw Coyote Exchange we went by to see what it was and it was indeed a second hand exchange store! I found so many cute clothes! Here's everything we found on the trip...
I'm very happy with my finds! The shoes are Madden Girl from Ross- $15, the belt has little swans on it- vintage $6, the bird is just ADORABLE and I had to buy him! $5, and all the clothes from Coyote Exchange.

I just love my bird. I don't know why, but he is my favorite thing I've bought in awhile.

All my clothes. Pretty stoked!
I'm wanting to dress more feminine so this shopping trip was perfectly timed! I found some really cute, girly things that I am really excited to wear! 

 Our new bed spread! I just love it! And it's reversible haha I always thought reversible things were just going to be super chintzy but it is actually incredibly warm and very soft :) I love having a nice bed spread. 

Well other than that we just hung out, ate food and enjoyed some breathing time! Wonderful!

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