Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Week in Review

It's almost Thanksgiving! One more day of classes then I am free for a week! Wahoo!  Here's the most recent goings on:

 Bart drove a four wheeler haha It was pretty scary/awesome! You can see that he is in his back brace and can see the top of his foot brace on the one foot and he has another on the other. He stayed in first gear and just rolled down the hill haha it was pretty awesome. I would have been way too scared to do that a month after my back surgery! Then again, four wheelers freak me out now already sooo... :D Ya, that was pretty sweet.

Jared had a project for his Outdoor Rec class yesterday. This is his group! They put on a 5K run called "Race at a Pilgrim's Pace". The runners were supposed to dress up like pilgrims but nobody did. To be fair, it was extremely windy and cold. There were 11 runners though! It was a pretty good turnout. The first one done won a $30 gift card to Lin's for Thanksgiving. I went and took pictures of the event for them to put in their presentation. It was pretty fun! While I was out, I found something for my photography project!

Isn't she a beaut? Haha for my project, I'm taking macro shots of decaying/peeling yellow things. It started out as wanting to take happy, fun yellow pictures but since it is fall, there are few happy bright colors around so I went the decaying route. I've found a lot of awesome old equipment though! Here's one of my faves from this machine.

The rust is beaded and looks really cool. I probably looked pretty funny taking close up pictures of this machine on the side of the road haha oh well! It was pretty fun and I got some good ones.

And Jared took me to "In Time" last night! I've been wanting to see that for a long time and we finally went! It was a really good movie! Maybe it's because I've been in need of a good escape but I just got so sucked into that movie, I even cried at one point! It was such a cool idea and I really enjoyed it. Kudos to Jared for taking me out :) It was just what I needed!

The rest of this week was taken up with classes, work and staring at a blank page trying to be inspired which resulted in me just getting onto pinterest and finding other projects I want to do... hmmm, I can't wait 'til I'm done with school and get to create what I want to :) Well, that was the week! I'll try to be better with posting this week since there will actually be events to report on. Happy Early Thanksgiving!

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